Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Hot days in the islands

Alan  and Carol Hardman joined us for two nights on-board and we took the opportunity to sail up to Bowen to catch up with Johns sister Bev and partner David who are spending 6 weeks at their favourite resort  on the beach. The run up was the only windy day we have had since we arrived in the Whitsundays. A social BBQ on board and a quiet night in Queens Bay then a leisurely sail to Butterfly Bay at the northern side of Hook Island for the second night.
The third day was very warm and we all enjoyed a swim at the lunch stop in Nara Inlet.

                                                 Four dogs on a boat? is it possible?

Alan , Carol Geordie and Kaila
 We cant believe the string of great weather we are enjoying, especially when we compare it to the constant rain being experienced in the Southern states. We have watched a few of the Airlie Race Week fleets drifting slowly around their courses and hope we get a bit more breeze next week during Hammo. Allusive has a lot of stores on board for the Louisiades leg and it wont be practical to take them off for race week..... She doesn't like light airs either..
Still the bottom is clean. I gave it a rub over this morning and was given lots of advice by a large  (half metre) angel fish that has taken up residence in the shadow of the keel. I was probably down there for over an hour scrubbing away and he was never more than a metre or two away from me. Very tame and inquisitive.

"Archie" the angel fish keeping me company as I scrubbed


We have placed our food order for Hammo week through the Coles on line shopping system.
Everything will be delivered to the door of the apartment on Friday for a small delivery fee. This will save us lots of carting as food for 9 people for nine days is not a small basket!

 Allusive resting up in Nara Inlet

                                                    "Archie" enjoys some bread

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